Hotel Benno in Eindhoven

BelgiëHotel Benno


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9, Wilhelminaplein, 5611 HE, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 40 236 6070
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4376787, Longitude: 5.4714659

opmerkingen 5

  • Marcio Fleming

    Marcio Fleming


    Staff is super friendly and attentive. Rooms are nice. Bathrooms and toilets are shared. Location is really good.

  • Gustavo Costa

    Gustavo Costa


    The hotel does no provide wifi connection inside the bedrooms. Beyond that it is ok for the price and a short stay period.

  • rory kavanagh

    rory kavanagh


    Very poor service and rooms are very basic with no toilet must share one outside. Very dissapointed

  • Menno van der Graaf

    Menno van der Graaf


    Beds were decent, shower was clean, breakfast was good. The quality of the room was less than great, mainly because of the staff failing to notice the live electrical outlet without any shielding, right next to the bed.

  • Alec Meijerink

    Alec Meijerink


    It's more like a hostel than a hotel. The restaurant nextdoors runs the place. Which means that offer there is nobody at the hotel. When we arrived we got lucky that one of the staff was in the restaurants, because all doors were locked and the lights were off. Initially the room looked quite tidy. However 2 out of the 3 lamps did not work. Which left us in the dark. We asked if they could fix that. Upon which one of the chefs from the restaurant came to switch our lightbulbs. The shower/toilet also had a very distinct, unpleasant smell. Which made it so that we never used the shower. The only upside seems to be the restaurant. They serve a decent breakfast. Just make sure to get up early, because they clean up exactly at 9.30...

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