3BE Backpackers Bed & Breakfast Eindhoven in Eindhoven

België3BE Backpackers Bed & Breakfast Eindhoven


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🕗 openingstijden

31, Stratumsedijk, 5611 NB, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 40 212 0416
website: www.3be.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4329883, Longitude: 5.4847579

opmerkingen 5

  • Stuart Campbell

    Stuart Campbell


    Decent place. More basic hotel in character (ie, lacking any social atmosphere), but with dorm rooms. If looking for somewhere to sleep between pub visits, this place will do fine; if looking for somewhere to rest, the screaching bird in the lounge will hinder any such hope.

  • en

    Aníbal de la Vega


    Nice place if you travel alone or with friends for young people and backpackers. Good breakfast for 5 €. Nice atmosfere & friendly staff. I recommend it!

  • Pavla Å tÄ›pánová

    Pavla Štěpánová


    I like the stay there. Everything was clean and sufficient. Good location. Really friendly and helpful service. I can only recommend the stay there. Just be aware of the reception open hours.. ;)

  • en

    r wilson


    I walked in and saw no one in the lobby/common room at all nor the front desk. I put my things down and use the restroom which appeared to be in a common area (there was no signage to the contrary). For this, I get told that I am "Illegal in the hostel" and the guy threatens to cancel my reservation and call the cops on me. If I had left (as I rightly should have but didn't) I would have been stuck paying for a room I couldn't use per the cancellation policy. The guy used the words "Illegal" several times towards me. It was bizarre. I have only experienced anything like this when dealing with racists in the South [of the US]. I am still shocked that this happened in Holland. Perhaps that is naïve on my part. If I wanted to be treated like a criminal I could have stayed in the US and had that experience for free; I don’t need to travel all the way to the Netherlands to be mistreated. Not only will I never set foot in this hostel again, I think I will just avoid Eindhoven altogether for fear of encountering anyone else like this man. Everyone I encountered in Amsterdam was amazingly friendly. What a horrible end to an otherwise wonderful trip. If you would like to experience rational and civil behavior from a fellow human don’t book this hostel.

  • Marco Manferdini

    Marco Manferdini


    Nice b&b, welcoming, comfortable and very kind staff. The structure looks like an old spa converted to b&b, very special but really beautiful. Breakfast is very abundant and costs only 5€. There is also a smoking room. The location is easy, the airport can be easily reached by bus. Honest prices. Recommended.

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