Budgethotel in Eindhoven



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🕗 openingstijden

4, Wilhelminaplein, 5611 HE, Eindhoven, Eindhoven, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 40 244 8992
website: www.budgethotel.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.4380049, Longitude: 5.4720837

opmerkingen 5

  • Rafael Escovar

    Rafael Escovar


    Clean rooms, good price, very good breakfast.

  • Garry Wilkinson

    Garry Wilkinson


    Clean, comfortable, cheap hotel in the city centre. It consists of four converted housesTerri Garber in the same street. Shared facilities but for the price it is much better than certain other so called budget hotels.

  • en



    Clean and beautiful. Only one thing: change the mirrors¡ we had one small mirror that looks like you sticked 6 small mirrors to get 1 and it was awwwful. The staff KS very friendly!!

  • Andrea Ruzzenenti

    Andrea Ruzzenenti


    It's always a good hotel to overnight to, it's really in the city center and near a nice square, all for a good price. The only problem is noise during the night.

  • Diane Tillman

    Diane Tillman


    The only thing I didn't like was having to climb 2 stories to get to my room, but having said that, the room was clean and spacious. The bathroom and the toilet the same. They gave me the wifi code on the envelope of my key so I didn't have to look for it. They also made it easy for me to leave without ever having to go to the front desk. If you are traveling and need a place to sleep, I would definitely recommend De Zwaan. I was a little too late, but there is a cafe at the corner for a drink and a light meal.

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