Wassalon Lavendel de Gent

BelgiqueWassalon Lavendel



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27-29, Oudburg, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0585694, Longitude: 3.7242738

commentaires 5

  • Victor Notteboom

    Victor Notteboom


    Very calm, nice place to do laundry

  • Christian Kesteleyn

    Christian Kesteleyn


    Niet onderhouden

  • Alex Vanden Abeele

    Alex Vanden Abeele


    A good place to do your laundry. It's a calm and peaceful place where people can just do their laundry and have a sweet conversation.

  • en

    Linda Clews


    Enough instructions in English to be able to use with confidence. Change machine and lots of choice for detergents. Drying machines good value. Only downside was that the bit where you put the detergent in on all machines needed a good clean.

  • N Chorney

    N Chorney


    Conveniently-located, clean laundromat in the old city (Centrum) of Ghent, Belgium. Small, medium and large capacity front-loading washing machines from 4.50€ -9.00€. 10 or 12 large capacity dryers (0.50€ per 6 minutes of drying). Selected packages of powdered soap and whitening products from 1.50€ - 2.50€. Large machine for pressing. 2 change machines make change from 5, 10 and 20€ bills, soft drink machine and small sink. The only reason I give it less than 5 stars is that some of the washers were out of order.

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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