Netezon de Gent




🕗 horaire

3, Sint-Jacobsnieuwstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0554436, Longitude: 3.7289479

commentaires 5

  • Charlotte Arnauts

    Charlotte Arnauts


    Cheap, but dirty.

  • Tom O

    Tom O


    Dirty and half of the dryers are not working from time to time. Quite some homeless people are using it as shelter and people(woman) get harassed by dodgy people.

  • Dewald Botha

    Dewald Botha


    The place is dirty, people sitting and smoking inside, the place stinks... Went somewhere else.

  • Inge Manders

    Inge Manders


    not too expensive

  • RobertsonBaseCamp



    Convenient laundry for the traveller to get gear cleaned up for the next adventure.

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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