VOLVO Louis Brussel de Bruxelles

BelgiqueVOLVO Louis Brussel



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381, Chaussée de Louvain, 1030, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 743 81 81
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8533096, Longitude: 4.3905578

commentaires 5

  • Thomas van Berkel

    Thomas van Berkel


    Average service but for the rest it was good.

  • simonrobertwalden



    Have been a customer here for 20 years. Since it changed ownership The service is terrible. The staff are arrogant and don’t care about after sales service. It is embarrassing for the Volvo name.

  • en

    Comme Etapepoulefils


    I found the service here to be of a very high standard. I waited my car while it was being serviced and enjoyed a couple of good coffees. The showroom is also very convenient from the EU quarter.

  • kenneth cox

    kenneth cox


    Nice shop. Busy during weekends

  • en

    Arne Caspary


    First time visit @ this garage and the experience was positive. Friendly staff, quickly handled, good service. Recommendable & likely to return to this garage

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