UrbanSoccer in Dworp




🕗 openingstijden

7, Begijnbosstraat, 1653, Dworp, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 808 69 80
website: www.urbansoccer.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.7419413, Longitude: 4.2952547

opmerkingen 5

  • Daniel C

    Daniel C


    Good alternative to usual football clubs. If you want your kids to be trained in football without the competition aspect that can be heavy for some kids, ideal to start. On the other hand, the management of the center could be improved, we can see that the direction had decided to reduce the costs. A lot of humidity in the structure. Your kid smells like if he would be coming from a closed cave at the end of the 2 hours training. Should not be very good for health either.

  • en

    Maxime van der Straten Wt


    Pitches are getting a bit slippery with time, but still a great concept, love to play there!

  • Daniele Bruni

    Daniele Bruni


    Nice place and very good pitches

  • HiSHaM Alabri

    HiSHaM Alabri


    The place is a closed field divided to 4 soccer fields. There is a bar and different services provided..

  • Seb Vbn

    Seb Vbn


    Top 😉

Bar in de buurt

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