Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen | shop & lambik-O-droom in Lot, Beersel

BelgiëBrouwerij 3 Fonteinen | shop & lambik-O-droom



🕗 openingstijden

47, Molenstraat, 1651, Lot, Beersel, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 2 306 71 03
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.763105, Longitude: 4.2736147

opmerkingen 5

  • Hugues D

    Hugues D


    Such a friendly and cosy place. I'm not a big fan of Gueuze (even if according to friends, they have some of the best one) but if you love beer, then you should definitively try the Beersel blond! Well I'm partial because I'm customer for several years but trust me it's not without reason.

  • Craft TV

    Craft TV


    Apesar de não ser aqui que produzem é aqui que parte da magia acontece. Os blends, o envelhecimento e engarrafamento acontecem neste espaço . Recomendo que comprem garrafas para beber no espaço e que partilhem mesmo com as pessoas que não conhecem. Se todos fizeram o mesmo a experiência é muito melhor. Preços simpáticos para levar para fora e têm um serviço que envia por correio (um pouco caro, mas óptimo para quem não tem bagagem).

  • Henrik Andersson

    Henrik Andersson


    What a place! And what a nice guy Armand is. Gave me and my friends a 10 minute private tour because we did not have time to join the regular tour. Great selection of beer at the bar. Will definitely come back!

  • en

    Liz Lambers


    Nice taproom open at 10am. Wide variety of Lambic and geuze beers to taste, including many vintages. This was one of my highlight stops during my trip to Belgium. Try the 2010 vintage! There are also board games to play and snacks to eat while you sip beer. Tours available if you call ahead.

  • es

    Rubén Santidrián López


    Espectacular visita a la fábrica y al restaurante. Armand hace que todo sea perfecto. Las botellas rarunas se toman aquí, no se venden

Bar in de buurt

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