True-Pilates Studio Antwerpen in Antwerpen

BelgiëTrue-Pilates Studio Antwerpen



🕗 openingstijden

Aalmoezenierstraat 2, (Hoek Nationalestraat), 2000 Antwerpen, België
contacten telefoon: +32 3 283 54 35
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.214558, Longitude: 4.398545

opmerkingen 5

  • Eddy Schildermans

    Eddy Schildermans


    Fantastische ervaring, geweldige coach, dat is pas "True-Pilates". Ook een hele ongedwongen sfeer, en je voelt je geweldig na elke sessie.

  • Will Wygaerden

    Will Wygaerden


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    Een Google-gebruiker


    Dear Anna, How long I am coming now to your lessons now, about 8 or 9 months; what a revealing!!!!!!!!! It's like for the 1st time in my life i am more conscious "how my body works" and though I have a lot more to learn. I have never in my life done sport on a very regular base, except for swimming, as I have a very bad position in my job, I am a make-up artist, so I am always on my feet all day long and in a bad working position for my back,and a very irregular rhytme too; i try to close the shoulderblades now when i am working,also keeping my shoulders down, not so easy, because it has to become a normality, but each time I go to Anna, I progress, little by little! Something funny I have to tell you; I was so bad in the beginning with the exercices that I came home one night and said to my boyfriend, I HAVE AN IMPOSSIBLE BODY"""""""""""" but I didn't give up, of course also motivation is very important, in everything you do!!!!!!!! And to find people who are motivated like you, Anna, that is amazing! I am glad I found you!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being there, my friend, Vera

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