L.A. Gym Premium in Antwerpen

BelgiëL.A. Gym Premium



🕗 openingstijden

37, Riemstraat, 2000, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 3 369 89 40
website: www.lagym.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2132864, Longitude: 4.3931513

opmerkingen 5

  • Jeffrey Smet

    Jeffrey Smet


    mega gym

  • nl

    La Flamenkita


    Prachtige fitness met tal van groepslessen, professionele coaching, heerlijke relaxatie en aangename sociale beleving!

  • Ana Martin

    Ana Martin


    Highend gym in the heart of Antwerp. Best trainers you can also find office of Jef Geys fatigue expert consultant in their premises. Top

  • WIM PRIOR Van Gucht

    WIM PRIOR Van Gucht


    I've been going to this gym for almost 3 years now. The name says it all:"Premium" which means that service is high. When you arrive you get the impression being served and helped out with any of your sportive needs. It's a local and rather small gym but you'll soon notice why the price is set quite high: Towels are included, fresh fruit, a good healthy snack, some drinks, dvd rental service, group sessions, tanning systems, hammam, sauna, rest areas, and a very social club itself. This all is includes in the price/ month. Friendly sports instructors help you with anything you have in mind: a new shedule, a workout that will help you grow more muscles and even the possibility of hiring personal trainers eventually help you and stimulate you to come more often. At Healthcity Premium they want you to really feel healthy and they take healthy minds too seriously. Once in a while they throw a little party or during summer there are special classes for city people who want to do Yoga at special locations. The group sessions run all year long with differentiation in BodyCombat, Yoga, and even some dancing classes. This is not the best gym, it also shows potential for a great social clubs, where celebrities find themselves home.

  • Bruno Monteiro

    Bruno Monteiro


    Probably the most expensive gym in Antwerp, probably for a reason. Went there because it is so close to my house, walking to the gym is way funnier. The place is indeed spacious and exhales quality, but there are some problems. It gets crowded during rush hours, sometimes by dudes that just want to be seen there and don't sport at all. Lockers are quite good, although they tend to get dirty at the beginning (7h00) and end of days (22h00). Showers are individual, although sometimes they are not enough for all the people. You do get a clean towel at the entrance (when the girl is not distracted talking to her boyfriend or friends on the phone), get free drinks and fruit. The sauna and hamman are quite good, although some guys don't always obey the "no naked" rule and scare women away. I had contracted a personal trainer for 3 sessions, but changed personal trainer after 1 session, the guy just wasn't interested in helping me out, and only provided basic exercises. Talked to the management and I was provided with a better PT. Cool for one session, for the second and third sessions the guy didn't show up, blaming it on the computer system. Later they offered me 3 free sessions, but I was out of the gym by then. Overall, a (very) expensive gym with good premises ruined by sub standard and non professional staff. Not all, but enough to ruin your experience. Given the price, I'd expect all to be top notch.

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