The Art of Fugue in Brussel

BelgiëThe Art of Fugue


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🕗 openingstijden

38, Zwedenstraat, 1060, Brussel, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 478 69 59 44
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8337519, Longitude: 4.3386931

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Frédérique Leprince


    Tout est parfait. Calme, accueil excellent, excellent petit déjeuner, décoration des chambres, proximité des métros et de la gare du midi

  • Rémi Drumel

    Rémi Drumel


    Hotel très bien tenu ! Les chambres sont spacieuses et confortables et le petit déjeuner et fait maison. Je recommande vivement

  • Aurélien Dethier

    Aurélien Dethier


    Déco plus que sympa. Accueil super sympa. Literie impeccable (très grand lit). Un gros bémol sur la salle de bain (pas de chauffage et la douche était très compliquée à régler).

  • rosa biagi

    rosa biagi


    Luogo molto molto speciale, con arredamento curatissimo di sapore esotico, Africa al primo posto. Accoglienza e assistenza ottime. Stanze dotate di un bel terrazzo su Bruxelles, e sul giardino interno. L'unico accorgimento è dotarsi di un bagaglio leggero, nel caso non ci si trovi al primo o al secondo piano: le scale sono piuttosto ripide, anche se si è ampiamente ricompensati dall'insieme.

  • Vassilis Protonotarios

    Vassilis Protonotarios


    A B&B unlike any other; amazing decoration and lovely atmosphere all over the place and very close to a train station (taking you directly to the Brussels airport in just 3 stops). It felt like I was staying in a room in the 1800's but with all the advantages of our times (e.g. free WiFi, huge bathroom with amenities, flat TV etc.). Hard to beat this - especially for the normal price. I also loved the well-though breakfast which can also be served at the huge balcony) and the friendly service. A place to visit if you want an alternative to typical hotels of Brussels.

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