Hotel Novotel Brussels Centre Midi Station in Brussels

BelgiëHotel Novotel Brussels Centre Midi Station


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🕗 openingstijden

Avenue Fonsny 5-7, 1060 Brussels, Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 533 10 90
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8369513, Longitude: 4.3398834

opmerkingen 5

  • Dick Neufeglise

    Dick Neufeglise


    Goed hotel vlak bij station Brussel zuid mooie kamer met zitje alleen de prijs van het ontbijt 20 euro is veel te duur.

  • pt

    Rubens Gorny Filho


    Bom hotel, quartos limpos arrumação diária, bom atendimento dos funcionários. Não é muito bem localizado em relação aos pontos turísticos ainda assim dá para ir a pé até a Gran Place ponto principal da cidade.

  • Yulia Freud

    Yulia Freud


    My bf and I stayed here for just one night. Very nice hotel. Friendly staff. The room was comfy and clean. Very easy to get to Brussel centre. Be careful of your belongings by the tram.

  • Min Chong

    Min Chong


    Loved it! The staff was quick, efficient and friendly. We showed up after midnight, there was a doorbell and attendant who answered immediately. They were very informative and accommodating. Rooms were immaculate and beds were SO comfortable. The day we stayed there was a market outside, SO MUCH FUN! All kinds of cool stuff and friendly people! Would definitely recommend!

  • Paulina Starczewska

    Paulina Starczewska


    Super hotel super lokalizacja i super obsługa 😉 polecam 😉

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