TC Rent Truck & Car Rental in Ixelles

BelgiëTC Rent Truck & Car Rental



🕗 openingstijden

172, Avenue de la Couronne, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 646 05 35
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8281034, Longitude: 4.3811941

opmerkingen 5

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    Steve O'Byrne


    One of my worst rental experiences in recent years. TC Location do not appear to have a secure vehicle depot, so their cars & trucks are kept in "free parking" spaces in nearby public streets. The truck we rented was filthy inside and missing the inside door handle on the drivers door. On returning the vehicle key, the assistant spent 10 mins searching through stacks of contracts trying to find the original paperwork, eventually just making a photocopy of my copy, but registering the return time as 10:00 instead of 09:52. Several hours later, I received a request to pay a "late return" fee. Avoid this rental company at all costs.

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    Nathan Betz


    I reserved a van online. The online and email confirmation lacked important details. When I called to confirm and change my reservation, the man who answered the phone said that the information they gave me in online reservation process wasn't accurate and wasn't binding. Consequently, they repeatedly tried changing rates and details on me (I had reserved online for unlimited kilometres: on the phone he said this was not a valid option). I told him that changing terms on me was highly unprofessional. He complained and became confrontational. I decided I wasn't giving my business to this company. Moved to Sixt instead, which is so-far delivering 5-star service.

  • Emmanuel Crollen

    Emmanuel Crollen


    Very cheap rates but of course if you go for the cheapest offer you can't expect a new car

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    Valerio Quintarelli


    Worst car rental ever! We had to wait more than half an hour because the lady was out with a costumer and nobody else was able to help us. There were people waiting before us and nobody knew what to do. The lady left without even saying a word. We finally did not take any car.

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    Zyljana Merisnaj


    They are affordable but the service is horrible and no sense of customer service. I returned the car at 17:50 and the office closes at 18:00. There was a woman and she told me they were closed but the office was still open. I told her that is not 18:00 yet. She was talking on her cell phone and did not even bother. I asked her I was on time and she told me she was closed and wold not help me and continued to talk on her cell. I continued to ask her questions and she refused to talk to me as if I was not even there. I was standing in front of the counter like an idiot. It was very frustrating because she would not even show me where the drop box was nor give me any information. So frustrating. I had to pay for a second day.

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