Europcar in Etterbeek




🕗 openingstijden

68, Oudergemlaan, 1040, Etterbeek, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 639 22 20
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8388015, Longitude: 4.386026

opmerkingen 5

  • Tom Pinnington

    Tom Pinnington


    Textbook bad service. We've rented three times and each time there's been a different problem. The last rental we made we objected that the car smelled strongly of smoke and were told that there were no other cars for us, that they can't stop people from smoking in their cars and there's nothing they could do about it. It's written EXPLICITLY in the terms and conditions that smoking in a car constitutes damage done to said vehicle (Article 5 "what are my obligations with regard to the vehicle"). The front desk clerk on return flatly refused that this is the case. It's unfortunate that this is the nearest car rental to where we live because we won't be going back.

  • Gabriele Ricci

    Gabriele Ricci


    Precisi e puntuali. Non ho dato 5 stelle perché l'automobile aveva una piccola vibrazione sullo sterzo.

  • Joona Turtiainen

    Joona Turtiainen


    Competitive pricing and a good fleet. Service is bureaucratic and not too welcoming. Everything works with not too much hassle.

  • Deborah Newton-Cook

    Deborah Newton-Cook


    Impossible à louer une voiture avec une carte de debit type Bpost Bpaid.

  • en

    Tom Schutzer-Weissmann


    Convenient location and friendly service. But they didn't warn me that the car has to be returned in office hours (due to recent there's no key drop-off box). The car itself was great

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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