Sixt Autoverhuur Brussels/Hilton Grand Place in Bruxelles

BelgiëSixt Autoverhuur Brussels/Hilton Grand Place



🕗 openingstijden

3, Carrefour de l'Europe, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 512 62 13
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8459827, Longitude: 4.3559986

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Andrew Price


    Absolutely dreadful service, had lots of add ons put on my hire, ones I didn't ask for. Cost for 8 days, a Smart car with Sixt was €329 compared to €223 for a Renault Megane from Europcar a bigger better car! Then to top it all off I had a parking fine to which Sixt kindly added a €22 admin fee on. Stick ti Europcar when Brussels, much better service, much cheaper and no hidden add ons.

  • Goethals Marie-Noëlle

    Goethals Marie-Noëlle


    Excellent service, even for special requests. Sixt delivers on promise !

  • Manuel Schafer

    Manuel Schafer


    Staff and vehicle were both A+. Only thing I recommend is to allow yourself almost 1 hour longer than you think you need to return the car so you can negotiate the Brussel inner city one way streets, boulevards, pedestrian zones and possible road closures/embassy car trains changing traffic flow (many domestic and international government offices near by, heavy military/security presence). Also gas stations close to this location are hard to navigate to and rejected all our debit and credit cards which were active for travel and used without issue over the previous 10 days. *shrug*

  • en

    Filipe Santoa


    The Workers were very helpfull and gave me lots of good hints. The car was a new Smart Fortwo, and was completely new. They even gave me the chance of leaving the car in the other garage, and ofered me the tank fulling charges. I will always rent my car in Sixt after this amazing service. Thank you Sixt Brussels!

  • en

    Mark K


    Good service, great car and affordable.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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