Avis Autoverhuur Station Brussel Zuid in Brussel

BelgiëAvis Autoverhuur Station Brussel Zuid



🕗 openingstijden

Gare Du Midi Zuidstation, Rue De France 2, 1060 Brussel, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 527 17 05
website: www.avis.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.836143, Longitude: 4.3344421

opmerkingen 5

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    Pavel Kolomiyets


    It is a small desk at the car rental area. Mircea, our service rep was friendly and helpful. We had the keys and were headed downstairs to the garage 10 minutes after arriving. The car was clean and didn’t take long to find. Overall a great experience.

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    Jin Klees


    Unfriendly counter and our car was not ready and they had no other car for us.. So we have to wait 35 min again

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    Vanessa Stalmierski


    One Star is still to much. Had to wait 30 minutes to get served and than 30 minutes to get the car. Very rude staff at front desk. If you dont want to ruin your vacation go somewhere else.

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    Clarice Lulai Angi


    Rented a car at this location and when indicated the insurance would be covered by my card, it was indicated to me that by signing their rental agreement, they would be allowed to charge me "anything they wanted", should something happen to the vehicle. Staff was rude, obnoxious and slow. Worst car rental experience ever.

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    Arnold Weeda


    Good location, efficient staff. Only comment is that the signage to te underground location where the cars are parked can be improved.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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