Sixt Autoverhuur Brussel Zuid in Saint-Gilles

BelgiëSixt Autoverhuur Brussel Zuid



🕗 openingstijden

Place Victor Horta, 1060, Saint-Gilles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 70 22 58 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8366518, Longitude: 4.3347786

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Laura Alsfasser


    Booked a Mini One (or similar) which usually means you get a different car within the same category, but SIXT actually had a Mini One ready as we arrived. Happy days! Easy pick up and friendly staff. Car was in superb condition and no issues picking up and dropping off. Super close to Eurostar terminal. Would rent again, no questions asked :-)

  • Martin Mitev

    Martin Mitev


    The world's worst car rental. I have rented in France, Portugal, Germany, Bulgaria, Latvia, USA and never encountered such rubbish service. 1. The price on the website does not match what's actually offered. 2. You cannot rent a car unless you have an ID, a credit card, and a driver's license on one name only, so 3. I had to get my friend to register as the main driver and paid an extra amount for me to be the additional one. 4. You pay a considerable additional sum because you are renting in a public space, aka a train station (probably to cover the parking fee you wouldn't have to be charged for if you went to the downtown office on Rue Americaine). 5. You cannot rent with a MasterCard or Visa debit, only the credit version. 6. Even if you purchase full insurance (including mirrors and windows), an amount of double the rental cost has to be blocked on your credit card (again, no credit card, no rent) 7. When you return the car, you cannot pay the rental fee with anything other than cash or the credit card you provided (no other cards are possible or accepted but cash is now welcome while it wasn't at deposit time). 8. When returning the car, if the sign off by the accepting agent is at 30 minutes and 1 second later than your declared arrival time on the website when you booked, Sixt will charge you for an additional day and you will only see that when your credit card statement arrives. 9. The only answer you get when voicing how incredulous, ridiculous, useless, and downright stupid this is was: a shrug. Well, 9 of them, to be precise. Consumer is king? Yes, and rental cars can fly.

  • Alexander Gilmanov

    Alexander Gilmanov


    Really mad after trying to rent a car here. First of all there's no English language on their website. Secondly I tried to rent a car yesterday (on another location) and the guy that unfortunately they have no cars at the moment but he arranged a reservation for today at midi station. Finally today when I arrived by taxi with wife and baby they just declined my reservation because they only want to work with credit cards. They did not want to take cash either. No excuses, no alternative solutions, literally just "Give us a credit card or go away". I use my card all the time in other countries to rent cars and pay for many other services, I do not use credits as a matter of principle, this rule makes no sense for me in the first place (though if they would be kind enough to publish it in English on their website I would not waste my time and money). I do not understand what is the problem if I am leaving a deposit and paying for insurance and protection - what difference does category of my card make? Anyways because of the "nice" service here I wasted time, wasted money for taxi, in the end luckily found an alternative solution. Did not have this problems with Sixt in other countries...

  • Mng Zhu Liu

    Mng Zhu Liu


    I rented a big van, because I needed to move some furniture from my dorm to my house. I booked an Open Vivaro in advance and everything went smoothly. The service was friendly and very helpful. The car was brand new, only 3 months old. Before you return the car, you have to get a full tank. Overall, I was very happy with the car and their service.

  • en

    Akshay Mannarwar


    I rented Renault TALISMAN from them for 7 days. They got excellent packages and service. I would definitely recommend this. The car was almost new, clean and well maintained. The customer executive are very cooperative and helpful.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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