SHAM in Schaerbeek




🕗 openingstijden

608, Chaussée de Louvain, 1030, Schaerbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 726 78 26
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8551993, Longitude: 4.3997172

opmerkingen 5

  • Ahmad Matahen

    Ahmad Matahen


    + Good warm and cold foods and drinks. + Fast and helpful staff. + Very nice and romantic environment, works very well if you're planning to go for a date ;) - A bit difficult to find a parking in the area - Entrance is not suitable for people with disabilities, they might need some help getting in. - A bit expensive, looking at around 20 Euros PP on average.

  • Olivier Van Dam

    Olivier Van Dam


    Great place, It's becoming a staple for my family, structure makes it so that we can be "out of the way" with our 3 year old daughter, so she's a bit more free than in a typical restaurant without bothering other customers. Food is very good, nice variety. We mostly take a "Lebanese plate" which consists of a bit of meat and 4 choices mezze type in their available cold vegetarian dishes. Fair priced.

  • Tony Absi

    Tony Absi


    Perfect syrian restaurent

  • dan mitran

    dan mitran


    Fantastic food! Prices are decent but not cheap.

  • Ismaël Hennioui

    Ismaël Hennioui


    Salads were good. Main dishes weren't what I expected, meaning they were not special and I didn't like the spices in the shwarma (beef). Otherwise, the service was good. Not a place I would recommend for special events. Just for a casual night out or take away.

Restaurant in de buurt

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