Le Saint Hubert in Schaerbeek

BelgiëLe Saint Hubert



🕗 openingstijden

20, Place des Chasseurs Ardennais, 1030, Schaerbeek, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 735 15 17
website: www.restosthubert.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8496926, Longitude: 4.3902507

opmerkingen 5

  • Oana Persa

    Oana Persa


    The worst service I ever seen. The waiter was extremely rude and actually kind of racist complaining about all the foreigners there. The food is not something special and normally the place is full of elderly people. Even to go for a coffee is a bad experience. I went there 3 times as I thought that maybe it will get better but I was wrong. Horrible in every way. Do not go there!

  • Brice Gheerbrant

    Brice Gheerbrant


    Unfortunately, experience will depend a lot on your waiter Food is fantastic for value, but service goes from amazing to (most often) terrible, depending on who is looking after you Feels like Brussels is turning into Paris here and it's not a compliment

  • Alan Hope

    Alan Hope


    Tavern and restaurant named after the patron saint of hunters, so the menu is very carnivorous. The beer selection is limited. The pavement terrace is popular.

  • Valerie ELDENMALM

    Valerie ELDENMALM


    Generous portions and very traditional menu! A place locals particularly enjoy for its terrasse

  • Sander de Wilde

    Sander de Wilde


    This is a typical Belgian place with great Belgian dishes and a lot of Game. That's why it's called Saint Hubert. To drink a beer on the terrace, and admire the waiters in Black and White. All very nice, but for the food, I was disappointed a few times. Just didn't look fresh, or took a long time, or just very greasy. Main waiter wasn't really nice neither, like they don't really like their job..

Restaurant in de buurt

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