PINTXOS in Mechelen




🕗 openingstijden

10, Nauwstraat, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0263371, Longitude: 4.4772829

opmerkingen 5

  • Wietse Theeuwen

    Wietse Theeuwen


    One of the best restaurants in Mechelen. Excellent design interior, perfect atmosphere, delicious food, fair prices and friendly service. If you’re ever in or near the city of Mechelen you should definitely stop by PINTXOS!

  • Davey Emmers

    Davey Emmers


    The food is amazing! The service was really good as well. The chef's take the time to explain the dishes when you ask for it. Would definitely go here again.

  • en

    Olivier Carlier


    Great pinchos and tapas! Very pleasant interior, hip and trendy spot!

  • Gillis Van Ginderachter

    Gillis Van Ginderachter


    Friendly staff and good food, nothing too special though. The interior is amazing, lots of plants and antique.

  • en

    ngaire takano


    Tasty food served in an unusual style of tapas yet instead of reading the menu you get to explore the menu with your own eyes by visiting their counter. Fresh and tasty. Service was good and the Limoncello was delicious. Either be there early or be prepared for a wait if eating on Friday or Saturday nights. One to keep an eye on as their menu also changes.

Restaurant in de buurt

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