l'Artista in Mechelen




🕗 openingstijden

5, Begijnenstraat, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 472 81 86 35
website: www.lartista.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0280664, Longitude: 4.4780388

opmerkingen 5

  • King Dele Matt

    King Dele Matt


    Good pizza and less stuff I guess , we had to wait for long . One perticuler stuff kept on forgetting what we asked and kept on saying sorry lol. But the pizza was great

  • Neda MN

    Neda MN


    A few weeks ago I wrote: "Very delicious food but slow staff". I was there yesterday : more staff and fast this time! The food was great! Fresh ingredients and oooh tasty!

  • NM Ruff

    NM Ruff


    Great atmosphere. Pasta perfectly al dente.

  • Michael Gobbers

    Michael Gobbers


    It used to be good here. That's why I'm giving 3 stars, however, last time I've been here the wait for our pizza was way to long and the pizza was not even good. Very wattery pizza and just undercooked... Something changed here it used to be a good restaurant.

  • Christophe Lambrechts

    Christophe Lambrechts


    What should become a nice birthday dinner for the 5yo child of a good friend, became a long evening full of waiting. Maybe the celebration of Valentine has to do with it, but the service was poor. I also expected more quality for what we payed and the fact the restaurant really focus on the Italian cuisine. I have eaten better pizza and tiramisu. Maybe I will visit l'Artista one more time on a less crowded moment and evaluate again. I give them the benefit of the doubt.

Restaurant in de buurt

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