McDonald's Ninove de Ninove

BelgiqueMcDonald's Ninove



🕗 horaire

40, Brakelsesteenweg, 9400, Ninove, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 54 33 32 81
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8367092, Longitude: 4.0068784

commentaires 5

  • Ivica Drenjančević

    Ivica Drenjančević


    One of best mcdonalds in area

  • en

    Emiola jide



  • Jens Nicolay

    Jens Nicolay


    Clean and modern interior. Staff was friendly but seemed distracted and made a couple of mistakes that were easy to avoid (e.g., putting chicken meat in a veggie wrap).

  • Sean Austin

    Sean Austin


    great food very very slow service though

  • Mila Suljagic

    Mila Suljagic


    Toilet was clean, they have have everything to make people comfortable (they even have magazines at your service!!!). I love their playground for kids, they have a basketball game in that part. Food was good, came out in a reasonable amount of time (not too quick, not to slow) everything that we ordered was just what we have ordered. The only thing that they could do to upgrade this place is clean the floor/tables more often.

Restaurant la plus proche

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