Lunch Garden Ninove de Ninove

BelgiqueLunch Garden Ninove



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80, Albertlaan, 9400, Ninove, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 54 30 03 51
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8387737, Longitude: 4.0080068

commentaires 5




    Deliciouse, variant, but the staff coyld bevtraind to behave better...i donot ask to kiss me..but pushing you to ask something without thinking is annoying .my child asked for white sauce and got bolognaise because the worker there was in rush(hurry)..there was not a lot of clients at that was 16 oclock

  • Dimitri Roman

    Dimitri Roman


    A good place for a quick lunch at a fair price. Some dishes change depending on the season. On Sunday you can have royal all you can eat breakfast with bubbles for 13 euros. This buffet features more varieties than your regular hotel breakfast.

  • en

    francesco russo


    There was no one to serve, I go after 10 minutes waiting

  • Ovidiu-Petre Sucata

    Ovidiu-Petre Sucata


    Diversity of food, well cooked and fast service .

  • Karim Ali

    Karim Ali


    The food is good and the stuff is helpful and speak English beside is an open buffet with deserts ,soups and drinks. The decoration is good. Only you should pay 40 cents to enter the toilet

Restaurant la plus proche

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