Massage Spa Bruxelles - GRATiAE de Bruxelles

BelgiqueMassage Spa Bruxelles - GRATiAE



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4, Galerie du Roi, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contact téléphone: +32 2 502 53 48
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8480231, Longitude: 4.3550014

commentaires 5

  • Rick Wright

    Rick Wright


    I came here with my friend and tried it for the foremost time. An expert did my massage very pleasantly. I had a very calming massage and I was very impressed. They did not charge me too much. Unquestionably I will come here again.

  • Patrick Durelo

    Patrick Durelo


    We've been going here on a regular basis for more than years and I've not at all had a poor experience. Every person is so responsive and specialized. I'd strongly recommend to any person seeking a fantastic massage or skin care healing.

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    Matthew Roddick


    I just got done with a massage here and I had a pleasant experience. The place is uncomplicated to find, but extremely uncovered bones. The rooms are separated by screen, but I found it still absolutely very secretive feeling.

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    Nathan Harris


    I had soreness in my neck that would not get away. The physician said it was nothing critical so I thought I'd try a massage. It actually did help. They were very careful. The place is small but very hygienic and quick service. I think I'm going to make a routine of coming in that Spa.

  • Áine Brady

    Áine Brady


    I had a massage in January 2017 that I will never forget. It still makes me sick to my stomach to think of what happened that day. The male masseuse touched me inappropriately. Please do not go here. He is a predator. When I eventually had the courage to brave the store again to tell the girl whom I booked the massage with what he had done I was assured that he had 'worked with the company for month' and that I would be contacted 'within the next three days' about my complaint. I have reached out three times now to the company to no avail. DO NOT GO HERE.

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