Bei Jing Center de Brussel

BelgiqueBei Jing Center



🕗 horaire

Spoormakersstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
contact téléphone: +32 2 513 25 74
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.845202, Longitude: 4.353092

commentaires 4

  • zh




  • Felix Felixsson

    Felix Felixsson


    Upon entering there was a woman and a child at first. Then, 5 minutes later, there were 4 people more, and another tiny little boy. They understood that it is not really professional to have the kids in the shop and sent them out after 10 minutes - the kids were cute but I came to shut my eyes and enjoy. Two other grown ups stayed in the shop playing with their mobil phones even listening to and sending voice messages, the masseuse told me all about them being from Tibet...guess the would not call it "Chinos". Quite unprofessional, but still an experience. Oh...the massage was actually not bad. Just make sure there are less people around and you get some peace.

  • en

    gugu gu


    very good service, after a long and tired journy. I finaly found a best place to relax my self. thank you!

  • fr

    Daniel Vaneyck


    Arnaque a touristes message de mauvaise qualité plus jamais

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