Luxauto Anderlecht in Anderlecht

BelgiëLuxauto Anderlecht



🕗 openingstijden

15, Verwelkomingsstraat, 1070, Anderlecht, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 538 86 26
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8134165, Longitude: 4.3038797

opmerkingen 5

  • Rene Shiro

    Rene Shiro


    This company is unreliable! I reserved a van here to move house. On the day of the move itself, they refused to rent the van to me, and left me scrambling to look for a last-minute solution on this very important day! Their nonsensical reason: my driver didn't have a Belgian ID. To be clear, there was nothing wrong with the ID or license of my driver. Later, a different company only a short distance away rented their van to us without problems, which is proof that there was indeed nothing wrong with our papers. The only positive thing I can say is that the lady at the counter was friendly enough. I'm truly shocked; they could have not done worse. Avoid!

  • en

    Elena Kostadinova


    Dear potential customers, Be very careful when you use this company! I used their service on 8 December 2017 for the first time and initially all went fine. I took a small Vito camionnette and in terms of availability and client service, I have no remarks. The problem is with the review of the car before and after you take it. If you decide to take this company, I suggest you spend at least 30 minutes, maybe even more, to look for any tiny little defect the car may have and make sure it is included in the iPad for the car and do not forget to take a magnifying glass with you, you will certainly miss something! I am not certain taking pictures will be helpful but try this as well, because you sign on the iPad that you agree these are the only damages. There were so many scratches on the camionnette I got that at certain point I lost their count. I used the camionnette for less than 5 hours and did not have any accident or any remarkable event as I drove only on motorways and parked on huge parkings. I left the camionnette on the parking as I retunred it after working hours. The next day I was informed about a tiny spot on the camionnette - somewhere close to the logo on the side. I was given a photo magnifying by I do not know how many times to make the "damage" visible. My partner could not see anything. I thought it was paint on top of other paint that might have fallen. We do not know to which vehicle this damage is as the picture does not make this clear. So I am not even certain it is the camionnette I drove and I certainly could not have damaged it as the damage seems to be so high. There seems nothing I can do, but pay EUR 100 damage, EUR 35 administrative cost and VAT on that amount, or a total of EUR 163,35 for something I did not do. I advise you to take another company. We rented before and never had such a problem with other companies.

  • fr

    Cheng Zhen Yeh


    Faut faire très attention, des vrais arnaqueurs. J'ai loué une camionette pour une demi journée. Je fais le plein du véhicule à une station à 500 m de leur batiment. Au retour du véhicule, l'employé vérifie le niveau d'essence sous mes yeux. Il ne rajoute rien et me dit qu'il a rajouté 3 litres d'essence qui me seront facturés. Stupéfait, je proteste et l'employé me prend pour un imbécile et un malhonnête. Donc à éviter

  • fr

    Lucille Rémond


    Des ARNAQUEURS On nous a prélevé 400 euro pour une minuscule égratignure sur le pare-chocs en plastique (meme pas visible d'entrée de jeu, il fallait se baisser pour la remarquer). Il faut savoir que les experts font partie de leur entreprise donc évidemment, ils prendront partie pour Luxauto ! Après plusieurs appels et déplacements pour aller les voir en face, menaces de prévenir la police, ils finissent par reconnaître que l'égratignure est minime mais nous facturent quand même 75 euro. A ce jour (plus d'une semaine après) nous n'avons toujours pas reçu le remboursement... Vraiment À ÉVITER

  • nl

    Jonathan Mwewa


    HEEL ONPROFESSIONEEL BEDRIJF, Ze zijn hier heel onbeleefd met klanten en met de personen die er de auto's onderhouden. Meestal vuile auto's die verhuurd worden en verder staan al de auto's vol schade en worden die nooit gemaakt na dat een klant er een ongeluk mee heeft gehad en er toch voor betaalt heeft.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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