Kalypta in Leuven




🕗 openingstijden

21, Parijsstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 23 24 06
website: www.kalypta.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8789383, Longitude: 4.6995688

opmerkingen 5

  • borai beelen

    borai beelen


    Restaurant with a lot of choice in dishes. Italian, spanish, Portugese, Greek, Indian, Belgian, .... And the food is really good too!

  • en

    Simon Deberdt


    Good food at affordable prices. It is not a very cosy place and the tables are set to accommodate as many people as possible but not for comfort.

  • Raúl Granados Barbero

    Raúl Granados Barbero


    Different foods from the all the world around. It is hard to make a choice but the quality is pretty good.

  • Catalin Pacuraru

    Catalin Pacuraru


    Good food / Nice people Even tough i went with some doubts based on other reviews (long waiting time, etc), I was pleasantly surprised. In 1 hour I was out, after 3 course meal + 2 cocktails. The lamb was melting in my mouth :)

  • NukeFTW



    Great restaurant with friendly staff. The food is great at Kalypta. It is pretty expensive sometimes but it's worth it.

Restaurant in de buurt

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