Donki in Leuven




🕗 openingstijden

48, Oude Markt, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 88 85 90
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.878524, Longitude: 4.699627

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jordan Becker


    Best California-style burrito I've had in Belgium... And a great location right on the secondary square in Leuven...

  • Els Crijns

    Els Crijns


    Great restaurant for some quick and healthy comfort food! Perfect for when you feel hungry during the many hours spent on the sunny terasses nearby

  • Lars Van Grootel

    Lars Van Grootel


    My favorite burrito restaurant in Leuven. Pick your own toppings and enjoy you delicious burrito. My advice is to pick the homemade lemonade as a drink.

  • James Hamilton

    James Hamilton


    We visited based on the reviews, but I'd rate it average. The burritos we're good, but lacked a real punch usually found in a Mexican burrito place. Prices were nice. Limited seating down stairs. Seating outside has a great view of the square.

  • Charlotte Rijsberman

    Charlotte Rijsberman


    Love this place. Really good burrito bowl with great prices. I was worried the chicken would be too dry but it was juicy and flavorful. There are also different options for spiciness levels so if you're like me and can't handle any spice you can still have a good time. Their homemade lemonades are lovely too, especially the basil one. Highly recommend if you're looking for a filling meal.

Restaurant in de buurt

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