Josaphatpark de Schaerbeek




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1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8640766, Longitude: 4.3841488

commentaires 5

  • Twowolves Exxxtreme

    Twowolves Exxxtreme


    Josaphatpark is serenity within the hole that is Scharbeek. It really is a beautiful place. A great place to go with one's family during the daytime. At night however, it can be somewhat intimidating as there are gangs of Muslim youth that wander through the park at night and who are disrespectful and dangerous to single women and couples. I got the impression that if I was not there to protect my wife during our one (and only) stroll through the park at night... that something bad would have happened to her.

  • en

    Leandro Rabbone


    Amazing place, very clean and open place inside the City

  • Julien Boulard

    Julien Boulard


    Average park. At least has two good buvettes in the upper part, next to the mini golf

  • Oliver Pape

    Oliver Pape


    This is a nice park with lots of little ponds interconnected by little streams. Great for a walk, a run or to simply relax on the lawn.

  • Leo el Teniente

    Leo el Teniente


    A classic in Brussels, not that fancy but the parc is nice, big. You can do some sport there or just breath some fresh air. Better in the summer.

Parc la plus proche

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