Albertpark de Schaerbeek



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1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 244 75 01
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8666474, Longitude: 4.3920405

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Pierre-Sébastien Lheureux


    New Terdelt, super. Saluez Greg de ma part : un virtuose du service.

  • christelle marx

    christelle marx


    Accès facile bonne accueil divers achat

  • en

    Lionel Bokungu



  • yves frombelgium

    yves frombelgium


    Small park but set up for lots of activities, I saw tennis fields, soccer field, petanque courts, children's playground

  • Mila Suljagic

    Mila Suljagic


    I found it nice. There are swings, there are stuff for small kids, for bigger kids, I would say for kids till the age of 8 +-. They have tennis and football fields. They also have a cafeteria and toilets too that aren't really in the best shape (if you really don't have to go, I would suggest to skip it) but at least it's free. There are some stuff out there that I don't know the purpose. We had a good time. =) What I particularly loved is that everything is in a great shape. Nothing is broken or damaged. Except the toilet.

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