Hotel St James de Mons

BelgiqueHotel St James


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8, Place de Flandre, 7000, Mons, Hainaut, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 65 72 48 24
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4533916, Longitude: 3.9617456

commentaires 5

  • Renaud Jadin

    Renaud Jadin



  • Gary McAlister

    Gary McAlister


    Cheap hotel, but not much close by. No hot drinks available. Very average, but clean and cheap.

  • Konstantinos Tsatsaronis

    Konstantinos Tsatsaronis


    Nice hotel and very friendly staff. Good location and free parking available. Rooms seem to be clean and have most of the things needed for your stay. There was no safe for your money nor a coffee machine inside the room. WiFi did not work at all and I was a bit disappointed since I wanted to use Internet to work during my business trip. Floors definitely need some reinforcement but over all a cozy place to stay.

  • Paul



    Don't you call it a hotel, a building with a few rooms. Here you stay if the whole city is booked. Though an ok place.

  • Alice Duporge

    Alice Duporge


    Really comfortable beds and nicely decorated contemporary rooms in black and white. Would be perfect if vegan options were available for breakfast (that is available to you for 12 euros, this is quite expensive though). Would come back here if in Mons, location is really convenient too !

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