Hôtel Dream de Mons

BelgiqueHôtel Dream


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17, Rue de la Grande Triperie, 7000, Mons, Hainaut, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 65 32 97 20
site web: www.dream-mons.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.450764, Longitude: 3.9517469

commentaires 5

  • Bas de Jong

    Bas de Jong


    Very large rooms, very comfortable bed. Super nice staff and great breakfast. I recommend eating at the hotel because the dinner is fabulous.

  • Mark Huey

    Mark Huey


    Great staff. We had a very warm room and they do not have AC (just heat) so they upgraded us for free to a cooler room

  • Eric Noyes

    Eric Noyes


    Nicely appointed rooms, good service, and breakfast/bar were great!

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    Gregory Segal


    I discovered this hotel last year when I needed just a place to spend a night after a full day at Pairi Daisa zoo. I was pleasantly surprised at the modern hotel built in the ancient church from at least 18th century. We were offered an upgraded room "Africa" - we were in awe! Totally contemporary with a see-through glass bathroom, chic and sophisticated. In the morning the breakfast buffet clinched the deal for me. It was wonderful! I came back this year after Pairi Daisa visit and was not dissapounted. I will be coming back...

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    Francois vzb


    The name of this place is well appropriate. Located in a perfectly renovated centuries old convent, of which the gothic architecture still permeates every room and the whole hotel, the Dream is a unique, exceptional, and incredibly eclectic place. Add to this a brasserie and a restaurant, both of them offering highly gastromic choices. On top of this, I should probably have mentioned first of all how friendly and highly competent the staff is. For all these reasons, and more, it is easy to understand why so many people talk so enthusiastically about this truly Dream hotel. Add to this the spa facilities, with which I have no personal experience, and you'll understand why it is recommended to make your bookings well in advance. Oh... and did I mention how perfect the location is, at the heart of historic Mons?

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