Hôtel Restaurant Campanile Liège in Liège

BelgiëHôtel Restaurant Campanile Liège


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🕗 openingstijden

17-18, Rue Jean-Baptiste Juppin, 4000, Liège, Liège, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 4 224 02 72
website: www.campanile.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6429768, Longitude: 5.550179

opmerkingen 5

  • Dave Davies

    Dave Davies


    Clean, friendly and comfortable, but loses a star for its location between autoroute, railway and industrial area.

  • Pernilla Edouart

    Pernilla Edouart


    Good service. Good location for those who are in a hurry to travel on by car.

  • Loris Casalino

    Loris Casalino


    I have been in this hotel for 5 nights. My work company paid for it, so I can't tell you how much was the price in relation to the room I got. In general I can say that it is an hotel that gives you the basic things for you to spend one or more nights. But don't expect super amazing comfort. The bed is of medium quality and the room is provided with powder coffee and thee (with water kettle of course). The room where I was sleeping was facing the street: you might here quite often cars passing by in that street, since it is the one that connects to the city centre. The air-condition in the room works, but it makes quite a lot of sound..

  • en

    Stuart Wallace


    Nice room and close to the main route. The staff here are very friendly, the service was great and will certainly stay here again. They served great food as well. 😉

  • Abdullah Altamimi

    Abdullah Altamimi


    This place in overall is bad. It must not be considered as a Hotel it's a Motel. The rooms are tiny and cleanness level is below average. The breakfast is average but everything is cold! the staff are nice and helpful. The location not that good about 23-30 minutes walking to city center and the buses not that convenient sometime too late and sometimes never show up. You do not feel safe to leave your belongings in the room and there is no safety box!

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