Matin tranquille Bed & Breakfast in Liège

BelgiëMatin tranquille Bed & Breakfast



🕗 openingstijden

74, Rue Auguste Donnay, 4000, Liège, Liège, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 4 224 44 60
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.653429, Longitude: 5.564618

opmerkingen 5

  • Eva Tempesta

    Eva Tempesta


    Absolutely lovely! Charming! :) definitely to recommend, you will experience an amazing location and a too sweet owner!

  • en

    Monique Sorkin


    Spotlessly clean. Very attractively decorated. Located in a quiet residential neighborhood providing pleasant walking. A bus stop close by gives easy access to Place St. Lambert, center of the city. The hostess is charming and provides a lovely breakfast and interesting information about the local area and Liège itself. My wife and I greatly enjoyed our stay and look forward to returning.

  • Sandra and Hennie Cronje

    Sandra and Hennie Cronje


    Beautiful bed and breakfast. Well done Lots of blessings

  • Pension Omorfi Poli

    Pension Omorfi Poli


    Beautiful place!

  • Gianluca Panti

    Gianluca Panti


    We stayed at Matin tranquille for one night in the room Aurore and we liked it very much. The room is large and well furnished, the bed is comfortable. The bathroom/toilette, luxurious, is just next door to the room but independent. Copious breakfast. Let Gosset know what time you will wake up, she'll serve you warm traditional "liégeois" buckwheat crêpes. Liège center: approx. 20-25 min far walking (downhill to go, uphill to come back) or take the bus 74. Enjoy.

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