Hotel Ariane in Ieper

BelgiëHotel Ariane



🕗 openingstijden

58, Slachthuisstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 57 21 82 18
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8544694, Longitude: 2.8829188

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Alastair McFarlane


    Ideally located quality hotel. Restaurant awesome. Love it here...

  • en

    Tom Barker


    Great hotel and staff. The bar has great service and I really enjoyed the mini museum and library. Great location too.

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    emilie mjorndal


    The architecture is amazing , the restaurant incredible. Perfect location, fantastic service. There is also a museum In the hotel which is really interesting on the WW In the evening it is sooo nice to sit down and enjoy a drink by the 360 fireplace. I would recommend it, absolutely. Can't wait to come back !

  • en



    The hotel is situated within a short walk for the centre of Ypres. Great rooms and service plus a fab restaurant and bar which is modern and fresh. Great food and breakfast is absolutely perfect which offers a great choice of food. Small WW1 museum collection in lobby for the WW1 tourist and interesting artifacts

  • Bethany Burrow Atherton

    Bethany Burrow Atherton


    Nice rooms where everything has been thought of. Great breakfast. Good little quirky WW1 museum on the ground floor. Walkable in 10 mins from town centre. Free parking for guests. Nice pillows.

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