Main Street Hotel in Ieper

BelgiëMain Street Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

136, Rijselstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 57 46 96 33
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8466479, Longitude: 2.8891736

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Lynnelle Temm


    I have travelled many places and stayed in many hotels around the world. I am also a rather fussy person with high expectations. I can honestly say with my hand on my heart that I have never ever experienced a more welcoming host than Carine. She takes the time to help you with all aspects of your stay and you feel immediately at ease and completely welcome at the hotel. The rooms are beautiful and comfortable and the bathroom is something special indeed. The breakfasts are delicious and cater to all tastes. I cannot commend Main Street Hotel to you highly enough. Carine is an absolutely superb host and the hotel is truly beautiful and luxurious boutique type accommodation.

  • en

    Zachary Young


    Fantastic, generously sized rooms that are clean and comfortable. The owners are simply lovely and willing to help with any request that you may have. I will be back to stay with them again!

  • en

    Hannah Speirs


    Wonderful service. Beautiful room. Fantastic breakfasts. Would highly recommend. Easy, flat, walking distance to town centre, shops and restaurants. A great place to stay to tour both the historic town and surrounding areas.

  • Mark Campbell

    Mark Campbell


    The hosts are helpful (set up a tour, welcome drink and informative local guidance) and the rooms and public spaces are imaginative and thoughtful beyond description! This is an amazing place to stay in a wonderful town with a moving and tragic piece of world history! Keep up the great work.

  • de

    Sebastian Decke


    Sehr gute Wohnung mit Küche Schlafzimmer und Bad. Platz für 4 Personen

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