Hotel & Aparthotel Ambassador Hotel Menen in Menen

BelgiëHotel & Aparthotel Ambassador Hotel Menen



🕗 openingstijden

34/42, Wahisstraat, 8930, Menen, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 56 31 32 72
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.801811, Longitude: 3.121945

opmerkingen 5

  • peter powell

    peter powell


    Very Basic , One member of Staff on at night to look after the reception and the small Bar. There is no catering available in the evenings , your left with the task of trying to find a Bar/Restaurant. Good luck with that.

  • Berit Soosaar

    Berit Soosaar


    Place is very lonely, no dinner, bar stops at 10.30 pm, but the personelle is so nice and friendly I would go back for them 😊

  • en

    Garry Coleridge


    Nice hotel stayed here for 3 nights with ledger holidays on the WW1 battlefield tour room was clean except for blood on the wall under the tv did tell reception about it and was told it would be cleaned off had to do it ourselves the next day ..

  • en

    Sylvia Wall


    A contemporary hotel with large rooms and our had an enormous bathroom. We were on an overnight stay en route from Germany by coach so had dining with fellow passengers. The evening meal was very good although no alcoholic drinks were served during the meal. The bar prices were high but I guess this is usual in this type of hotel. A tip to the management, British people like milk in their tea.

  • Dennis Sargent

    Dennis Sargent


    Very nice hotel. Very good service. Jacuzzi room was nice and large, but did not have a shower. Had to kneel in the Jacuzzi to wash. Otherwise exceptionally nice.

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