Ter Gracht in Moorsele

BelgiëTer Gracht


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🕗 openingstijden

152, Wittemolenstraat, 8560, Moorsele, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 56 41 12 70
website: www.tergracht.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.83398, Longitude: 3.15497

opmerkingen 5

  • Ivan Prestini

    Ivan Prestini


    Posto carino, stanze non nuovissime ma con un bel bagno. Colazione media

  • Ashish Apte

    Ashish Apte


    I gave 2 stars just because the staff was very courteous.Otherwise the experience was worst. We stayed with family for 3nights there and booked a quadruple room. The room was super small and sufficient only for 2 persons. The 4persons were just squeezed in. As it was under the roof, the height of room was very low. The air conditioning did not work and we had really bad time for 4days in summer without any ac. The room had no windows too. So it was like an oven with no air to breathe. Whem asked to repair, the owner said he will look into next day and never came back. He even charged us high but did not reduce the final price due to the inconviniences caused. Avoid this place.

  • Rob de Lange

    Rob de Lange


    Een leuke locatie in een rustige omgeving. Ruime en nette kamers voor een redelijke prijs. Speeltuin voor de kinderen en voldoende ruimte om buiten te genieten.

  • John Pollet

    John Pollet


    Vriendelijk ontvang. Kindvriendelijk. Ruime en propere kamers. Uitgebreid ontbijt. Ruime parking.

  • en

    Michał Mycielski


    Good place to eat and sleep, owners are very kind and helpful, cool and quiet place

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