Hof Te Spieringen in Vollezele

BelgiëHof Te Spieringen


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

42, Langestraat, 1570, Vollezele, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 477 32 47 82
website: www.hoftespieringen.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.754778, Longitude: 4.045281

opmerkingen 5

  • Amberr Vb

    Amberr Vb


    Ik was hier 2 maal tijdens een wijnproeverij. Het is een mooie en rustige locatie, er is geen druk verkeer in de buurt.

  • en

    David Huffstutler


    Quiet, out of the way from the hassle of any city. Beautiful B&B. The owners have created the perfect feel and ambience.

  • Greg Burkland

    Greg Burkland


    Being an American who had never left the country, Belgium is a beautiful country to be my first trip. Hof Te Spieringen is the most charming place ever. It's warm, comfortable, and is ran by a wonderful and sweet owner. Prepare yourself for photos do not do it justice. I felt spoiled being here. The best hotel I've stayed in all the world.

  • Jan Depoorter

    Jan Depoorter


    Fantastic B&B. Luxurious and very friendly. Nice countryside surroundings.

  • Aale Roos

    Aale Roos


    Lovely little B&B. Would have liked to stay longer.

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