Hof Leskensdaele in Viane

BelgiëHof Leskensdaele


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🕗 openingstijden

580, Edingseweg, 9500, Viane, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgique
contacten telefoon: +32 54 32 41 06
website: www.hofleskensdaele.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.7358449, Longitude: 3.9511989

opmerkingen 5

  • evil0g



    Très jolie domaine située au calme à la campagne non loin de Gramont. Les hôtes sont très accueillants, les chambres sont agréables et ont routes leur propre sanitaire. Et le wifi est rapide. Que demander de plus ?

  • fr

    Mister Town


    Superbe gite avec un accueil formidable !

  • Maarten De Pue

    Maarten De Pue


    The rooms were clean and the place was beautiful. But the way we were treated by the staff was frankly inexcusable. They walk in while someone is on the toilet to "check the room" and then continue doing so, forget to tell us that payment is cash-only, leave rooms half-prepared for our arrival (someone else's clothes were still in the wardrobe) and yell at me when they mistakenly believe I kicked their dog (I kid you not). Our stay left a bad aftertaste. Shame.

  • en

    angelino vanhoenacker



  • nl

    Jos Meeus


    Ik ben gewoon de overbuur!

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