
🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
26, Menenstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 479 64 15 04
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.851639, Longitude: 2.889665

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Sarah Macdonald


    We recently stayed at Carpe Diem for 4 nights whilst we were visiting Ypres for the 100th anniversary of my Great Uncles death. The B&B is perfectly situated in the heart of Ypres, literally a stones throw away from the Menin Gate. The hosts at Carpe Diem, Janne & Klaas are very attentive and the rooms are large and comfortable but the highlight of our stay was definitely the breakfast, coffee, orange juice, breads, cheese, hams, croissants and eggs left us satisfied until well after lunch each day so we just had afternoon tea & cakes somewhere to keep us going until dinner time. There are plenty of bars and restaurants around to eat in every evening. This is one establishment we will definitely stay at again. Well done Janne & Klaas.

  • Derek Anderson

    Derek Anderson


  • en

    nicholas powolny


  • Maurice Jacobs

    Maurice Jacobs


  • Anja Bosmans

    Anja Bosmans


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