Bpost - Bruxelles / Bogards in Brussel

BelgiëBpost - Bruxelles / Bogards


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

19, Bogaardenstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 201 23 45
website: www.bpost.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.84455, Longitude: 4.3475203

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jorge Silva


    Terrible. Worst service of entire world. Never deliver mail or packets. Internacional delivery is a complete chaos.

  • Simon Butcher

    Simon Butcher


    Irritatingly long queues plague this post office, often with people just cutting in front to ask questions which slows everything down. Be sure to check the website to be sure you're not arriving during peak time. The staff here are really friendly, much nicer than at the De Brouckere branch, and I've always had good service here. The service from Bpost in general though... urgh!

  • Daniel Zagalo

    Daniel Zagalo


    Past 8 days after paying almost € 15 to send a letter to an EU country, the letter has not even left Brussels ... amazing

  • lc brgrd

    lc brgrd


    Heures d'ouvertures à partir de 09:30 et non 09:00 comme indiqué ici.

  • Nem Bog

    Nem Bog


    Really good and fast service. Friendly staff.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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