Bpost - Anderlecht / Autonomie in Anderlecht

BelgiëBpost - Anderlecht / Autonomie



🕗 openingstijden

6, Zelfbestuursstraat, 1070, Anderlecht, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 201 23 45
website: www.bpost.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8403802, Longitude: 4.3383837

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Nancy Boreas


    Zijn zeer vriendelijk aan het onthaal

  • Andrés Orduz

    Andrés Orduz


    Haven't had to wait too long to collect packages, there are times when there's a bunch of employees available and no customers. The most I've ever had to wait is 5 minutes

  • Beau Piccart

    Beau Piccart


    Long queues, understaffed.

  • Kasim Learbuch

    Kasim Learbuch


    Maybe it's just the people in the area but this place is ..... annoying.. u always have the guy speaking at full volume on his phone.. don't know why he even needs it, whoever he is chatting to can definitely hear him.... 20 babies crying... and of course some kids running around.. parents not bothered.. not sure if parents are even here.. someone fighting with cashiers... and another 10 people who possibly don't understand the idea of a ticket so they just stand in the middle for 10 minutes.... and then they take a ticket... but yes the staff do remain very calm and do their best... Merci. My only advice is to try and figure out the least busy time... I still have no idea... good luck to all you civilised people out there... and welcome to all of you who are not.

  • Kateryna Grygorko

    Kateryna Grygorko


    Always queue with 50 people in front.. but service is good.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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