Best Western Premier Weinebrugge in Brugge

BelgiëBest Western Premier Weinebrugge


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🕗 openingstijden

1, Leikendreef, 8200, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 50 38 44 40
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.1705693, Longitude: 3.1971342

opmerkingen 5

  • Malek Zeenni

    Malek Zeenni


    Bit far from the brugge but vert comfy stay and good breakfast

  • David Fay

    David Fay


    Very nice staff! Clean and very nice rooms.

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    Terry Manester


    Excellent huge room and wet room with bath. The breakfast was really good. Also they run a taxi service into Bruges for 13euros 50 cents each way and you pay the hotel as parking in the town is only by with permits

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    Pete Robinson


    Excellent hotel, room spacious and very clean. The bed was huge and loved the 42" tv in the room..with BBC1 and BBC2 and BBC World. Breakfast was very good The staff all spoke English and were extremely friendly

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    Thomas Allen


    Excellent choice of hotel near Brugge at a reasonable price for the level of quality received. Outstanding restaurant on site. Very pleasant and helpful staff. Comfortable modern rooms in a pleasant setting. Plenty of parking on site. Very highly recommended without reservation.

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