Lappersfort in Sint-Michiels



geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

72, Vaartdijkstraat, 8200, Sint-Michiels, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 50 67 72 77
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.18016, Longitude: 3.232729

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Ton Doldersum


  • Filippo Santambrogio

    Filippo Santambrogio


  • en

    vasfi rusit


  • Chris whitehead

    Chris whitehead


    I had a great 2 night stay here. The room was big and clean, with a large four poster bed, and the breakfast was excellent, and free! The b&b is only a 30 minute walk from the town center, and is located right next to the cycle path. The owner had a selection of bikes that he allows guests to use, so you can get to town even quicker. I will definately be stay here again in the future.

  • William Chavez

    William Chavez


    Our stay was wonderful. The room excellent and the breakfast was fresh bread, fruit and beverage We met part of the Inn Keeper's family. His daughter played the piano and her music could be heard in our room. He had bikes for us to use so that we could ride around Brugge.

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