Bar Berlin de Leuven

BelgiqueBar Berlin



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Brusselsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 484 77 62 61
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8807219, Longitude: 4.6927254

commentaires 5

  • Laurens Dubuisson

    Laurens Dubuisson


    Great coffee shop with excellent service and delicious chai lattes 👌

  • Vera Martins

    Vera Martins


    It's always a pleasure to spend some time at Bar Berlin, great vibes, good music, great hot beverages and you must try their brownies...

  • Stef Renkens

    Stef Renkens


    My favorite coffee bar in Leuven. Cosy. No pretentions. Good coffee and limited menu of good food. Very nice big table.

  • Koen Peeters

    Koen Peeters


    Lovely coffee bar where you can drink a coffee in a cozy interior or even work some hours. They also serve some special strong beers which change each month. The staff is always friendly.

  • ChloĂ© Kuypers

    Chloé Kuypers


    Cozy place with excellent coffee and sandwiches. I can recommend the breakfast dishes, too! They have the best Chai lattes, and if you're looking for something to entertain yourselves with, they also have a few board games (including a chess board) available that you can borrow.

Café la plus proche

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