De Bierkelder de Leuven

BelgiqueDe Bierkelder


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22, Oude Markt, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8775434, Longitude: 4.6993421

commentaires 5

  • en

    Minion Power


    What's wrong with the bartender? He's so aggressive and put people on the side. He didn't ask if he could pass. Perhaps he is under the influence of illicit means?

  • Julie Sagman

    Julie Sagman


    Very agressive bartender. He pushes people roughly to the side when he can't pass. Since the customers are teenagers, they don't dare to speak a word about it. I saw him grab a customer by the neck when he said something about it and wanted to start a fight. People with this attitude don't belong in this bar.

  • Brent Van Lierde

    Brent Van Lierde


    Vooral op vrijdag en zaterdag avond komen want dan is er echt een knal DJ !

  • nl

    zlatan ibra


    Beste wa er is; S/O naar jan, emile en diethard die altijd voor sfeer zorgen! ksou die eens een vat trakteren @bierkelder!

  • Jan Verveckken

    Jan Verveckken


    It has been better in the past, now very limited attendance, generally not as clean. Popularity goes in cycles, when new crowds arrive in Leuven.

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