World Class Fitness Center i Elsene

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienWorld Class Fitness Center



🕗 åbningstider

10, Idaliestraat, 1050, Elsene, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 2 503 15 57
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.8376606, Longitude: 4.3715287

kommentar 5

  • Nina Žižakić

    Nina Žižakić


    I'm changing my review from 3 stars to 2. Not a great gym of you're into group classes. They're overcrowded, in the small rooms (therefore only ~20 people allowed per class), and the equipment for the classes is old and in need of replacement. The floor in the rooms is often dirty. I would not recommend this gym.

  • Mr Littlecastle

    Mr Littlecastle


    Excellente salle de sport. A recommander vivement. Larges horaires, cardio-muscu-cours collectifs-piscine-sauna

  • Soraya Bel

    Soraya Bel


    It's a pity that the pool is so small. The equipment is otherwise nice and I appreciate that the music is not too loud and there are not too many TV screens. Good pilates teachers for the collective courses (given in English).

  • nl

    Fatima Redouane


    Vriendelijk personeel, mooi zwembad, lekkere sauna, goed onderhouden. Groepslessen worden gegeven door professionelen. Deftig publiek.

  • Fatima Redouane

    Fatima Redouane


    Vriendelijk personeel, leuke groepslessen, toffe en professionele lesgevers, superproper

nærmeste Gym

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