Vertigo Boire et Manger i Bruxelles

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BelgienVertigo Boire et Manger



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7, Rue de Rollebeek, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
kontakter telefon: +32 2 511 95 17
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Latitude: 50.841976, Longitude: 4.352602

kommentar 5

  • Félix de Mûelenaere

    Félix de Mûelenaere


    Expensive, small place, only went for drinks. Overhyped place in my honest opinion. Friendly staff.

  • en

    Daniel DE GREEF


    I went there for a premieres party with my girlfriend. The cocktails and food were just amazing ! The mixologist, who's name I don't remember but I know he's from Sicily is one of the best I've seen. He was very friendly, very chatty and always laughing. We then had the mushroom toasts that were just incredible. A big plus for me was the good music they were playing (house, deep house). If you're close to the center make sure to drop by.

  • Snir Blaier

    Snir Blaier


    Excellent place! Great cocktails, great meals and great atmosphere! We really enjoyed there.

  • en

    A. T. Pixie


    It's like the bar of your beautiful Italian grandmother with the magic of last week dried herbs mixed in their signature cocktails. The open fire burns of last night memories. Big love.

  • T TC

    T TC


    Excellent hidden gem! Over the top cocktails. Yes they do cost €13/15 per cocktail but it’s worth it! The waiter did forget our food order though. I would do cocktails here and eat somewhere else. Although the burger was tasty was just annoyed that they forgot our food. Otherwise I would give the place 5 stars.

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