Toni & Guy Sablon i Bruxelles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienToni & Guy Sablon



🕗 åbningstider

31, Rue Joseph Stevens, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
kontakter telefon: +32 2 880 66 99
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.841393, Longitude: 4.353244

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Lo sler


    Coiffeur pas à l'écoute, Résultat à l'opposé de ma demande et mal coupé. Dégradé en escalier, pas du tout harmonieux. J'ai du retourner chez un autre coiffeur pour rattraper le massacre.

  • fr

    Andy Daghuyt


    Bonne équipe

  • fr

    sarrah fassi-fihri


    Personne à l'accueil en charge des plannings très désagréable et opressant sinon pour l'équipe ils ont l air pro

  • Sebastián Tanco

    Sebastián Tanco


    Very good, but they make you pay it

  • Modmoph B

    Modmoph B


    First time I got a haircut there I wasn't very happy for the money I paid, but I decided to go back for a second time. It was slightly better but I was surprised to find a completely new team. The third time I went there I found yet another completely new team... I arrived at 17h and they told me they can't receive me because they're about to close, which is nonesebse cause they're open till 19h!! I never went back there again. So the constant change in personnel makes the place seem unserious and worst of all, irresponsible.

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